Monday, June 16, 2008

June 16/08

Instead of stitching, I have been busy working around my yard and enjoying the flora and fauna. The bees are having a great time in the honeysuckle bush out back. The hum of their buzzing is almost alarming because there are so many in the bush! The hummingbirds are making several appearances as are the sparrows and a blue jay stopped by the other evening.

My purple irises are best described as profuse! They are so beautiful and welcoming when I drive down the street towards my house!

The lilies are adding a splash of yellow not too far from the irises!

Now, these lupins I can not take any credit for, but they grow like mad in the empty lot beside my house. They add a lot of colour to the neighbourhood!

1 comment:

mainely stitching said...

Oh, what beautiful photos, Vee!!