Not much stitching has been going on here because I have been emotionally drained by the time I reach my usual stitching time in the evening. My weekend was filled with being there for my brother while he looked after his best friend and grieving for Jeremy's family. Last night I drove by the accident site and felt compelled to pull over to pray for his family as they go through this terrible time. I know that the old adage is that these things happen for a reason, but I could not understand the reason the other night when I was looking into the eyes of his grief stricken parents and siblings.
On the other hand, the bookmark has been given and he reports that he is already using it! We had a lovely time on Saturday over brunch and driving around the area so that I could show him my home town. Because my life is just one dorky moment after another, one of my neighbours just happened to be delivering Christmas cards as he was walking down the driveway. She kept me on the doorstep for a good 10-15 minutes trying to get information out of me about him. I was both freezing and frustrated because I was standing there without a coat and she had interrupted my happy dance in the kitchen after he had kissed me good bye!
Well, I should get back to the paperwork that I have been avoiding. Once the paperwork is done, then I can tackle the Christmas stuff that has not been done yet. Sigh!