OK, here is an update on the baby quilt. I started the backstitching last night as you can see on the border across the top. I have 4 days to get it done before my classes at the university start because I am certain that Dr. Jeffrey will fill up any remaining free time I currently have with lots and lots of readings on human rights and international politics, the topics for the 2 courses I am taking with her this fall semester.
A wee sidestep here, but related to the last bit of that last paragraph. The other day I found a box of stuff from my pharmacy school days so I hauled it out today to sort through it and get rid of the junk. Amongst the stuff I found in it, I found my grade reports from first and second year. Seeing the words "Organic Chemistry" still gives me the willies! There were several binders of class notes in that box as well. It is scary to see stuff that I understood perfectly well 18 or 19 years ago but they now look like hieroglyphics to me (amino acid structures!)! Did I just say "18 or 19 years ago"?!!