Sunday, August 31, 2008

Aug. 31/08

OK, here is an update on the baby quilt. I started the backstitching last night as you can see on the border across the top. I have 4 days to get it done before my classes at the university start because I am certain that Dr. Jeffrey will fill up any remaining free time I currently have with lots and lots of readings on human rights and international politics, the topics for the 2 courses I am taking with her this fall semester.

A wee sidestep here, but related to the last bit of that last paragraph. The other day I found a box of stuff from my pharmacy school days so I hauled it out today to sort through it and get rid of the junk. Amongst the stuff I found in it, I found my grade reports from first and second year. Seeing the words "Organic Chemistry" still gives me the willies! There were several binders of class notes in that box as well. It is scary to see stuff that I understood perfectly well 18 or 19 years ago but they now look like hieroglyphics to me (amino acid structures!)! Did I just say "18 or 19 years ago"?!!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Aug 30/08

I bought a new bed in May and have been on the lookout for a new coverlet for the bed because my other one is getting tattered and I am tired of looking at it after 8 or 9 years of service! This new coverlet was found in the clearance section at Bed, Bath and Beyond in Bangor, ME a few weeks ago and completely fit my requirements on all levels: colour, style and price!! It is a king size, but the mattress is high enough that it is not a concern. The black blob is not a pillow, it is my cat who can pretty much be always found on the bed when she is not at her bowl. She has taken a liking to the coverlet as she used to sleep in the kitchen on one of the chairs....Definitely not living like a student anymore!!!

Not much stitching to report on although I have been plugging away at the latest baby quilt. The cross stitches are done and now I am working on the satin stitches. My satin stitching is sadly greatly out of practise, but I am regaining the hang of it.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Aug 21/08

So, you just never know what you might come across when you wander down the Main Street of my town. I mean, we are talking a small East Coast town of 4 500 people in the middle of geographic nowhere. Oh well, having the consulate just across the street from where I work will certainly come in handy when it comes time for me to apply for a visa to Mongolia next year for my Habitat trip. The consulate is right across the street from the monument celebrating the accomplishments of John Peters Humphrey,the man credited with being the architect of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, who was born here in Hampton. Oh! I could wax poetic forever about this place, but an old friend home from Montreal this week summed it up when he said, "We are so lucky to be from this place. It is so beautiful!"

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Aug. 19/08

Last night I realized that I had not taken any photos of this cute little quilt to post on my blog. This quilt was started about 2 weeks ago and is stitching up very quickly. At first, I was unsure what I thought of it because it strikes me as being a little trendy and I was wondering what I would think of it in 20 or 30 years, assuming that the receiver keeps it forever as a keepsake. The more I stitch on it, the more it kind of grows on me. The colours are really cute and the little animals become more adorable as they appear on the hoop.

I was working on this quilt last night while watching Simon Whitfield battle his way to Olympic silver in men's triathlon at the Beijing Olympics. GO Simon!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Aug 17/08

I started this little cutie about 20 minutes after I bought it in Danbury, CT because it was a beautiful afternoon and I had not stitched anything in 5 days.......Sigh, at least it is a productive addiction! This kit is a Daydreams kit designed by Debbie Mumm. Dragonflies are so beautiful to watch as they dart around in the sky. I used to walk my dog in a marshy area where there were many dragonflies darting overhead so looking at this picture brings back memories of warm summer evenings out in the woods with my then-faithful companion Jessie.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


I have a bit of a shopping problem and a strong Canadian dollar coupled with lots of bargain prices in the US resulted in this little stash explosion this week! The upside is that most of it will be stitched up and given away as Christmas gifts so I do not feel too guilty about it all! I have already started stitching the Daydreams Dragonfly as my stitching addiction is so strong that I could not resist the urge to stitch even though I was on vacation and had several books that needed to be tackled along with some research on the country of Mongolia. The vacation is almost over, but tomorrow should be a bang of a finish as a friend of university stops over on her way with her tribe from Ontario to Prince Edward Island and my family celebrates the fifth birthday of my nephew.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Aug 8/08

Yay! Another finish laundered and ready to head to the mail. This is going to one of my cousins who has almost completed her year long maternity leave. Nothing like squeaking under the wire! I am now well into the next quilt!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Aug. 5/08

The Teresa Wentzler bookmarks are stitched and about to be dropped into the mail on my way to work today!

For my birthday this year, my family took me on a boat tour of the Hampton Marsh. We saw beauty at every turn. My photos of the osprey and the eagle are not so good, but as you can see, I truly live in a beautiful and special place.